
Launch a Startup Company With 500 Dollars and 1 Week

The second great experiment in internet startup is 2 CEP's of web 2.0 companies setting out on a 1 week expidition to built a money-making company with only 500 dollars.  The two founders are blogging their way through the trial:

"So Brian asked me, is it possible to build a profitable startup with
500 dollars and only one week of development? I said absolutely, but
with the right idea. Not a purely consumer play that was based on
advertising and sharing a bunch of photos or something. I said, when I
first started putting together the press plan for uGather,
I wanted to build a system that would be a newswire for bloggers and
online media outlets. I had bought the domain in October, but had no
time to get it built out. In short, a company or PR firm submits a
release and it goes directly to bloggers and online news outlets only.
It would be an easier way for bloggers to manage the news they get, and
a much easier way for companies, startups, and firms to get blogging
coverage. So that was it, early Saturday, we decided this was the idea
to go with. In one week we hope to have a prototype up and running.
We’ll need bloggers first, so the full out launch might be a
couple of weeks afterwards so far in 36 hours we have:

  • completely spec’d the development of the site out in about 3 pages
  • Set up the web server
  • Transferred the domain over
  • finished the concept design
  • Pricing points and business models
  • Initial launch ideas
  • Started coding the design
  • Set up the company blog"
[via blog.theweblogwire]

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