
Tip: Renaming batches of Photos

This works for any files, but since its likely most useful for photos (and why I'm bringing it up), a little known trick for renaming groups of files together was brought up on Yahoo! Tech (now you can rename photos to have a descriptive name, if you accidentally copied them to your computer as DSC100405060, DSC1040506653, etc...):

"In Windows Explorer (or your My Documents folder, or wherever the
files are located), select the files you want to rename. You can do
this by clicking and dragging a box around them, or select them
individually by holding down the Ctrl button and clicking
individual files.Once all the files you want to rename are
highlighted, press F2, or right-click on one of the files and select
Rename. All of your file selections will disappear except for one, but
don't panic: Type in your new name and click Enter. That's it! One file
will be now be named "renametext" and the others will have sequential
numbers in the format of "renametext (1)" and "renametext (2)" and so
on. File extentions like .gif, .jpg, or .doc will all be intact,
so you can rename multiple types of files at once even if the formats
aren't the same."