I finally got around to fully posting my pictures from this summer’s backpacking trip to the Wallowa Mountains in Oregon. The highlight of the trip was reaching the top of Eagle Cap summit, 9,600 feet above sea level, after camping 4 days. Overall we hiked around 45 miles and 10,000 feet vertical over a 6 day period, saw temperatures from 85 degrees down to 35, and went swimming in lakes that were filled with barely melted glacier water. This trip, as always, was incredible, serving as my every-other-year de-tox from technology, the city, and every day life in general. It was also one of the most strenuous weeks of my life!
My pictures from the Wallowa Mountains
A video of Ari and I playing the first ever “rock bocce” game (ESPN, if you’re watching, this is ripe for a top 10 highlight on sports center)
The daily details of my six day trip itinerary